Thursday, August 21, 2014

Michael J. Tresca gave 3 stars to: Familiars 2 (6)

Michael J. Tresca reviewed:

Familiars 2 (6) by Reaper

3.0 out of 5 stars That Familiar Show reviews Reptus, the Winged Serpent, August 21, 2014

This review is from: Familiars 2 (6) (Toy)

Tal: Welcome to the first installment of "That Familiar Show"! And boy are we kicking things off with a doozy. I'm Talien, your favorite satyr paladin.

Mal: And I'm Maleficent, your least favorite half-fey/half-fiend sorceress. No not that one. I'm the original. Anyhoo, today's familiar is Reptus, the winged serpent!

Tal: Really? Reptus? That's a bit obvious don't you think?

Mal: What? What's wrong with Reptus?

Tal: Calling your winged serpent "Reptus" is a bit like calling your frog familiar "Froggy" and your bat familiar "Batty" -- it's does a disservice to the familiar's other special abilities, like being able to fly.

Mal: Is this how this show is going to be from here on out? We're going to argue about names?

Tal: Fine, go ahead.

Mal: Are you sure? Are you finished?

Tal: Yes. I'm good.

Mal: Okay. It may be that Reptus is named after the cult classic "Q: The Winged Serpent," a movie about a believed to be an incarnation of Quetzalcoatl making in New York City. Not so silly now, hmm?

Tal: Uh huh. I'm sure wizards will tell monsters that as they're being devoured: "But Reptus is inspired by a film nobody saw!" Turns out there are winged serpents in D&D -- they first appeared in the 2nd Edition Al Qadim supplement and then later in the Forgotten Realms. You can get them with the Improved Familiar feat.

Mal: However you use him, Reptus will keep on providing flanking, evading damage, and sharing touch spells...

Tal: While you ignore his awesome heritage.

Mal: His nome de plume, you might say.

Tal: Nope. Wouldn't say that.

Mal: I can see now that agreeing to do this show with you was a mistake.

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