Sunday, May 18, 2014

Michael J. Tresca gave 5 stars to: Clockwork Dragon

Michael J. Tresca reviewed:

Clockwork Dragon by Reaper Miniatures

5.0 out of 5 stars I cannot sufficiently express my affection for Vernaclox, May 18, 2014

This review is from: Clockwork Dragon (Toy)

In my first Advanced Dungeons & Dragons campaign, I actually used a construct from The Book of Wondrous Inventions, The Clockwork Dragon of Mai-Faddah. This dragon would go on to become central to the campaign, renamed Xavien's Clockwork Dragon, as various characters attempted to take control of it. The Clockwork Dragon became legendary in my multiyear campaign, and it's a fixture of my fantasy novels. There was never a model to accurately portray this dragon until now.

Here's the Pathfinder-compatible stats for Vernaclox:

Anyone who crawls inside finds twelve (unlabeled) levers: The device has the following characteristics: hp 200; hardness 15; Spd 90 ft., fly 300 ft. (poor); AC 19 (-1 size, +10 natural); Atk +12 melee bite (4d6+12), + 7 melee 2 claws (2d8+6), +7 melee tail slap (2d8+18); SA Crush (4d6+18);

Lever (1d12) Lever Function

1. Forward Cargo door release

2. Neck movement

3. Jump

4. Flying (fly speed)

5. Left front leg (claw attack)

6. Left legs (ground speed)

7. Tail movement (tail slap)

8. Right legs (ground speed)

9. Right front leg (claw attack)

10. Vertical flying direction

11. Head movement (bite)

12. Forward Cargo door release

Operating a lever is a full-round action, and no lever may be operated more than once per round. However, since two Medium characters can fit inside, the apparatus can move and attack in the same round.

I cannot sufficiently express my affection for Vernaclox. Julie Guthrie and Bob Ridolfi's effort pays off in every little detail, from the mechanical wings to the longsword-like tail. This is a unique sculpt unlike any other.

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